The Kanmon strait is located between Shimo-shi, Honshu and Kubei Port, and is connected to both sides by railroads and ferry lines, as well as by the Kanmon Bridge and the undersea tunnel for pedestrians.
The Kanmon strait is located between Shimo-shi, Honshu and Kubei Port, and is connected to both sides by railroads and ferry lines, as well as by the Kanmon Bridge and the undersea tunnel for pedestrians.
香港⇔福岡(直航) 約3小時30分鐘!
良好的交通網絡, 使旅程方便快捷。
從福岡出發時, JR博多—小倉—門司港的路程最普遍。
巴士:福岡機場⇒ JR下關站 約1小時35分鐘
巴士:福岡機場⇒ JR小倉站 約1小時20分鐘
電車:JR博多站⇒ JR小倉站(新幹線)約20分鐘